if you just finish everything thank you very much for reviewing my website for platinum the trinity for blazblue. there maybe things i probably forgotten to mention about platinum but i listed the majority and i hope you guys enjoy playing her as much as i did. if you have any suggestions or would like to know something in more detail about platinum than please feel free to contact me in anyway you like. the hardest thing about platinum and many people has drop her for is her delay combos. there not easy at all and you have to time it just right to be able to do it. but if you practice it enough it will feel very awarding to pull it off. as for online connection goes... if the connection isnt good than pulling off platinum's combos would be almost impossible, if its like that than i would just stick with simple combos for platinum. i think thats about it, i hope you enjoy princess platinum
platinum the trinity guide
Updated: Jun 20, 2020